Do Portuguese Water Dogs or PWDs make good family dogs? The short answer is Yes! Portuguese Water Dogs are well suited for family life; they love people of all ages and sizes. They are a great size dog for in-home living, most of our dogs end up around 45-55 lbs and 21-24 inches tall. They make for a big lap dog, but that's ok they can squeeze a little and fit just fine. Portuguese Water Dogs do need physical exercise and mental stimulation. However, we find that most families easily meet their exercise needs.
Portuguese Water Dogs (PWDs) love human affection and will frequently ask for more scratches and snuggles! Throw in a belly rub and they will follow you anywhere, even the bathroom! From a very young age, our Portuguese Water Dog puppies love to find us and get belly rubs and snuggles. We work hard to get them accustomed to all types of touch, including ear rubs, tail pulls and rubbing in-between their toes. Most of our Portuguese Water Dogs love human attention, they even tolerate a little rougher handling from younger children. We do recommend that young children and dogs always be supervised when together to avoid any issues.
Most of our Portuguese Water Dogs (PWDs) have a moderate energy level, meaning they like to play with their humans, but don't need hours of daily exercise. We find that a decent game of fetch, maybe a morning run or a fun hike is enough to satisfy most of our Portuguese Water Dogs. For those that need a little more, we find that some mental stimulation goes a long way. A quick training session or snuffle mat treat can be enough to satisfy them. While Portuguese Water Dogs were bred to work, our breeding program is focused on producing a more family friendly dog. While we love doing things with our Portuguese Water Dogs, we also enjoy being able to have a relaxing day without them getting too stir-crazy.
Our Portuguese Water Dogs (PWDs) love interactions with most adults and children, all children who visit our home are warned that the dogs "can't hold their lickers." Our Portuguese Water Dogs generally greet visitors with a tail wag and happy countenance. They enjoy going to new places and meeting new people. When out in public, our Portuguese Water Dogs tend to be very respectful, easygoing, and listen well. We have taken our Portuguese Water Dogs to many places, including pet-friendly stores, the fair, livestock shows, swimming at the lake, and more. With the proper training they are fun to take out and about town.
In conclusion, we believe that our Portuguese Water Dogs (PWDs) make great family dogs. Our puppies have shown to be successful in all types and styles of families! They are well-loved by their families, and they love their families with their whole hearts!
